


Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormInjection: (intravenous; 10 mg/2 mL, 50 mg/10 mL, 100 mg/20 mL)
Drug ClassInterferon gamma blocking antibodies
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • For the treatment of adult and pediatric (newborn and older) patients with primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) with refractory, recurrent or progressive disease or intolerance with conventional HLH therapy.

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  • Emapalumab-lzsg (Gamifant) is a human anti-interferon-γ antibody used for the treatment of primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), particularly in patients with refractory, recurrent or progressive disease or intolerance to conventional HLH therapy.
  • The document reviewed was a Randomized Controlled Trial that investigated the efficacy and safety of emapalumab-lzsg (Gamifant) when administered with dexamethasone in both previously treated and untreated patients who were 18 years old or younger suffering from primary HLH.
  • A total of 34 patients participated in this trial; 27 had received prior treatment while seven were previously untreated. All participants could enter into a long-term follow-up study until one year after allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation, or until one year after their last dose if transplantation was not performed.
  • In terms of effectiveness, it was found that approximately 63% of the previously treated group responded positively to Gamifant as did around 65% percent among those who received an infusion - significantly higher than the prespecified null hypothesis rate at which response would be considered successful at just over half (40%).
  • Regarding safety considerations, no organ toxicity associated with Gamifant use was reported during this trial period but severe infections developed in ten individuals undergoing treatment; only one patient discontinued due to disseminated histoplasmosis infection.
  • Overall survival rates post-trial showed promising results: about three-quarters – specifically, 74%–of those formerly on other treatments survived as did roughly similar proportion—71%, among all recipients indicating potential benefits outweighing risks involved for most users given its targeted therapeutic action against primary HLH condition.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Gamifant (emapalumab-lzsg) Prescribing Information.2022Sobi Inc., Waltham, MA

Randomized Controlled Trials

Document TitleSex DistributionYearSource
Emapalumab in children with primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
F: 53%
M: 47%
2020The New England Journal of Medicine

Sex Distribution:




Source:The New England Journal of Medicine

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Document TitleYearSource
Emapalumab-lzsg (Gamifant). 2023https://www.aetna.com/cpb/medical/data/900_999/0948.html