


Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormTablet (oral; 0.18 mg)
Drug ClassCentral alpha-2 adrenergic agonists
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • Indicated for mitigation of opioid withdrawal symptoms to facilitate abrupt opioid discontinuation in adults.

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  • Lofexidine (Lucemyra) is indicated for the mitigation of opioid withdrawal symptoms to facilitate abrupt opioid discontinuation in adults.
  • Three systematic reviews/meta-analyses were reviewed, providing insights into the effectiveness and safety profile of lofexidine compared to other treatments for managing moderate to severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms (AWS).
  • One review found that while benzodiazepines remain the treatment of choice for AWS, gabapentin could be an alternative under certain circumstances with a 'moderate' level of evidence against standard benzodiazepine treatments; however, lofexidine had a 'very low' level of certainty.
  • Another study comparing lofexidine with clonidine showed equivalent efficacy in reducing opioid withdrawal symptom severity but reported fewer adverse effects such as hypotension and feeling unwell associated with lofexidine use.
  • The same study also noted significant side effects like hypotension, bradycardia, and pupillary constriction when using lofexidin compared to placebo which may affect its comparative efficacy against other agents depending on factors like cost and detoxification venue.
  • A third review suggested psychopharmacological interventions targeting stress including clonidine or lofexidin might improve outcomes among individuals undergoing medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), although results regarding associations between appraised stress levels and MAT retention rates were mixed across studies included in this analysis.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Lucemyra (lofexidine) Prescribing Information.2020US Worldmeds LLC, Louisville KY

Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Document TitleYearSource
The ASAM national practice guideline for the treatment of opioid use disorder.2020American Society of Addiction Medicine