


Drug updated on 4/17/2024

Dosage FormTablet (oral: 600 mg)
Drug ClassHIV-1 gp120-directed attachment inhibitors
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • For the treatment of HIV-1 infection in heavily treatment-experienced adults with multidrug-resistant HIV-1 infection failing their current antiretroviral regimen due to resistance, intolerance, or safety considerations.

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  • Fostemsavir (Rukobia) is indicated for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in heavily treatment-experienced adults with multidrug-resistant HIV-1 infection failing their current antiretroviral regimen due to resistance, intolerance, or safety considerations.
  • A total of 1 Randomized Controlled Trial document was reviewed which provided information about the efficacy and safety profile of fostemsavir (Rukobia).
  • The BRIGHTE study enrolled heavily treatment-experienced adults who were failing antiretroviral therapy into two cohorts: one received oral fostemsavir plus optimised background therapy; the other received a placebo along with their failing regimen for 8 days followed by fostemsavir plus optimised background therapy.
  • In terms of effectiveness, virological suppression rates increased from 53% at week 24 to 60% at week 96 in the cohort that initially received Rukobia as part of their regimen while response rates remained constant at around 37% through weeks 24 and up till week 96 in those without any remaining antiretroviral options.
  • Regarding safety concerns, few adverse events led to discontinuation (7%) across both cohorts but mortality rate was higher among participants without any remaining antiretroviral options compared to those who had some left - 17% vs. 4%, respectively.
  • Overall, it can be inferred that Fostemsavir-based regimens are generally well tolerated and show an increasing trend over time regarding virological response rates making them a viable option for this vulnerable population group struggling with advanced HIV-1 disease and limited treatment choices.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Rukobia (fostemsavir) Prescribing Information.2022ViiV Healthcare, Research Triangle Park, NC

Randomized Controlled Trials