


Drug updated on 4/26/2024

Dosage FormInjection (intravenous: 5 mg/2 mL, 10 mg/4 mL)
Drug ClassDopamine-2 antagonists
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • Indicated in adults for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), either alone or in combination with an antiemetic of a different class.
  • Indicated in adults for treatment of PONV in patients who have received antiemetic prophylaxis with an agent of a different class or have not received prophylaxis.

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  • Amisulpride (Barhemsys) is indicated for the prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in adults, either alone or in combination with an antiemetic from a different class.
  • A systematic review found that amisulpride was effective at reducing the risk of vomiting by at least 20% compared to placebo, ranking it among other single drugs such as aprepitant, ramosetron, granisetron, dexamethasone and ondansetron.
  • The safety profile of amisulpride was generally similar to placebo according to one meta-analysis study; it showed little or no increase in any adverse event when compared with placebo.
  • In terms of population type considerations, most participants across studies were women (83%), indicating potential gender-specific effectiveness for PONV prevention using amisulpride.
  • Information derived from four Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses documents indicates that low-dose intravenous administration of amisulpride is safe and efficacious for preventing PONV when compared to a placebo control group.
  • Further research is recommended regarding optimal dosage timing as well as exploration into specific subgroup efficacy given current lack evidence around these aspects related to use of Amisulpride (Barhemsys).