Isavuconazonium sulfate


Isavuconazonium sulfate

Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormCapsule (oral; 186 mg); Injection (intravenous; 372 mg)
Drug ClassAzole antifungals
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • For the treatment of adults with invasive aspergillosis or invasive mucormycosis.

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  • Isavuconazonium sulfate (Cresemba) is used for the treatment of adults with invasive aspergillosis or invasive mucormycosis.
  • A total of 3 systematic reviews/meta-analyses were reviewed, providing insights into the effectiveness and safety profile of this drug in different patient populations.
  • In patients with haematologic malignancies who are at high risk for developing invasive fungal infections (IFIs), evidence from eight studies suggests that isavuconazole may be effective for IFI prophylaxis. However, these studies often lacked safety data and were based on small patient populations from single centres.
  • For lung transplant recipients, a network meta-analysis ranked isavuconazole among the top azole antifungals in preventing IA/IFI when used as part of universal prophylaxis post-transplantation. The certainty level was very low due to lack of robust data from randomized controlled trials.
  • Comparing efficacy between isavuconazole and voriconazole in treating Aspergillus pathogens showed no relationship with clinical outcomes where MICs were less than 16 µg/ml for either drug. Reduced efficacy might occur against pathogens having drug MICs equal to or greater than 16 µg/ml.
  • Despite promising results, further research including larger sample sizes across multiple centers are needed to confirm these findings about Cresemba's effectiveness and safety profile especially within high-risk hematologic populations.