


Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormOintment (topical: 1%)
Drug ClassMicrotubule inhibitors
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • For the topical treatment of actinic keratosis of the face or scalp.

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  • Tirbanibulin (Klisyri) is indicated for the topical treatment of actinic keratosis of the face or scalp.
  • A total of 46 studies were reviewed in a systematic review/meta-analysis, which included an examination of tirbanibulin's efficacy and safety for treating actinic keratosis on the face and scalp.
  • The analysis revealed that tirbanibulin 1% has an odds ratio and 95% credible intervals at 11.1 (6.2-20.9), suggesting its effectiveness in clearing up actinic keratosis when compared to other treatments such as cryosurgery, diclofenac, fluorouracil with salicylic acid among others.
  • Four sensitivity analyses confirmed these findings: assessing efficacy after one treatment cycle only; considering a ≥25 cm² treatment area; evaluating results after eight weeks post-treatment; and using single placebo/vehicle node.
  • In terms of safety outcomes, they were assessed qualitatively but no specific details are provided within this study about any potential side effects or adverse reactions associated with Klisyri use.
  • Tirbanibulin offers a novel approach to treating AK due to its short single treatment period along with favorable safety profile making it comparable to existing topical treatments available in Europe according to a study conducted across multiple clinical trial registries and regulatory body websites.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Klisyri (tirbanibulin) Prescribing Information.2021Almirall, LLC, Exton, PA

Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses

Clinical Practice Guidelines

Document TitleYearSource
Guidelines of care for the management of actinic keratosis.2021Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology